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Large Poster Printing

Creation Station Printing has Large Format Posters of any size to fit your needs! Printed high quality photo paper with Gloss, Matte, Uncoated, and Satin Options, these posters are sure to impress. Whether you’re printing event posters, or submitted high quality photo images, you’re sure to be impressed with our poster printing.

Posters are not archival and are not to be used for artwork reproduction. For art posters please visit our “art reproduction” services section on our website.

Need help setting up your design? Find product TEMPLATES HERE!




Digital Proof? *

Special Instructions


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Artwork Specifications

Use a CMYK color profile - Colors will not look the same when printing an RGB file. A CMYK file will be more accurate to the final printed colors.

Export your files at 300 ppi - Files that are less than 150 ppi will appear blurry when printed.

Note: Images ripped from the web are typically low-resolution, and are not intended for print production

Use the following file formats - PDF (flattened), JPEG, TIFF, or EPS

Add a bleed - All files with full-color backgrounds must be submitted with bleed. A 1/8” bleed is preferred on all files with full-color backgrounds, and all text, logos, and elements must be within 1/8” from the cut line. *Learn more about Bleeds HERE*

We accept multipage PDF files - It is preferred you upload your front and back file separately if possible for double sided prints.

Do not include trim or crop marks unless your file is Vector

Do not upload artwork that is already imposed (multiples on one sheet)

File Setup

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